MCC Island

News and Announcements for MCC Island
Season 4 is here, and it’s dropping with THE BIGGEST UPDATE MCC Island has ever seen. There isn’t a scrap of the Island that hasn’t been tweaked or reviewed. To check out our brand new game, Rocket Spleef Rush, our new Season - Ancient Jungle and all the game changes, including a cheeky HITW update, head over to our games article! Here, we’re going to talk about all the other changes that have taken place on MCC Island and what that means for you and your MCCI experience! 🏝 New Island Hub 👑 Crown Levels - A new way to level up! 🪁 Factions Expanded, Rebalanced, and Island XP 📱 Player Profile and UI overhaul 💎 Earning your Rewards! 🗺 A whole new quest system 👕 The Cosmetics, The Craft and the Wardrobe 🪝 Island Wide Economy changes 🌕...
Season 4 is here, and it’s dropping with THE BIGGEST UPDATE MCC Island has ever seen! There isn’t a scrap of the Island that hasn’t been tweaked or reviewed. To check out the MASSIVE Island and economy changes, including the new Crown Levels system, head over to our economy article here! For the moment, we’re just going to cover what you’ve all been waiting for - Rocket Spleef Rush and the game changes, as well as all the quality of life changes we’ve made to Season 4. 🎉 Season 4 starts! 🚀 Rocket Spleef Rush takes to the skies ⚔ New PVP items and maps 🦘 HITW - Introducing Fakeout Walls! 🎲 Game and QOL Updates! We know what you’re here for, so let's stop wasting time and get into it! Season 4 Begins - Welcome to the Ancient...
Patch 0.19.6 has just landed, with some balancing changes, bug fixes, and a brief announcement from Posé Fashion. Missed the update news? Check out our Season 4 game article and economy article for more information! Material Economy Balances Rebalanced Material Crates Increased the value and cost of Material Crates by roughly 20%. Now contain 7 materials instead of 5. Chances of each material being uncommon or higher slightly reduced. Chance to additionally get a Power Shard slightly reduced. Substantially increased the chances of getting Material Cores from Uncommon, Rare, and Epic Reward Crates as well as the Meter Chest. Materials now scavenge for 50% of their value in Material Dust, up from 30%. Rebalanced most blueprint and...
We're on a bit of a roll with patches at the moment, and are happy to announce that 0.19.5 has just landed! This patch contains some further economy tweaks and a few bug fixes too. Missed the update news? Check out our Season 4 game article and economy article for more information! Economy Improvements Cores now scavenge for 50% of their value in silver. Attunement Catalysts now scavenge for 30% of their value in silver. Reduced XP required for claims 5-7 of the Daily Meter (3000 -> 2500, 4500 -> 3000, 6500 -> 4500). Other Fixes and Changes Restored the missing Skill Trophy summaries on Badge category items. Fixed an issue that would cause the Daily Chest to show that you have reached your max streak when you haven’t. Clicking on...
Patch 0.19.3 has just dropped on the Island and brings along a bunch of bug fixes to various games and a balancing changes to the economy. Missed the update news? Check out our Season 4 game article and economy article for more information! Economy Improvements Introducing Material Cores, a new item used to craft Material Crates. Material Cores are found as one of the possible cores from Reward Crates, your Meter Chest, and your Login Chest. Collect 5, bring them to the Fusion Forge, then choose which Material Crate you want to craft using them, as each of the 4 types of Material Crates are craftable. Reward Crate Rebalance Common, Uncommon, and Rare Crates are now twice as likely to contain a core. Epic and Legendary crates now...
Hot on the heels of yesterday's GIANT Season 4 update, we've done a whole bunch of little bug fixes and balancing changes for you to enjoy. Missed the update news? Check out our Season 4 game article and economy article for more information! Combat Item Adjustments After initial feedback from the new items we have decided to adjust them slightly to better balance their use in the games. Heavy Crossbow Adjustments Heavy Crossbows no longer have an extra cooldown after firing. They now handle the same as normal crossbows, however, they are still not off-handable and deal 4.5 damage instead of the standard crossbow's 3.5 damage. Removing the cooldown will allow you to use them together with normal bows better. Sky Battle Loot - Heavy...

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