Community Creations

Show off your MCC and MCCI creations - whatever the medium!
I made this a month ago and after seeing some tributes here I wanted to share mine. sorry for the bad lighting and camera angles. Also that's a meltdown mcc crown in the back, it was celebration for the new game added. 💜💛
Created a place for practicing speedbridging and whatever spamming blocks on the wall is called, can't wait to throw it out of the window in the real event!
I got to make this banner for the MCC subreddit this month :)
I made a bingo for the red rabbits I want to make a Bingo Board for the other teams and I'd love some suggestions because I have no idea what I'm doing for the purple team...
Faction Fanart - Byrt with Red Rabbits So I saw the new post about factions and felt like drawing one of the screenshots provided! OG screenshot: My drawing: @Byrt :D
Yes, it's me, GlitchyBurger, the first MCC Island creator, and I've made this video on the complete history of Pre-Release MCC Island in commemoration of the MCC Island Closed Beta releasing soon! I also apologize if this counts as advertising, as from the other limited posts on the forums, I determined that this would be worthwhile to share since it's a history lesson on MCC Island. Enjoy.
You may notice that many of the games within MCC as well as the main hub itself have very advanced technology, such as frost-powered bows, teleporting pickaxes, and even a gravitational field that bounces humans up in the air whenever they touch it. You may also notice that there is a specific map in the game TGTTOSAWAF called Terra Swoop Force, which itself is a Minecraft map. The plot of Terra Swoop Force is quite complicated, but the basic premise of the map is (taken from the Noxcrew's website) "You are a member of a special task force hired by Geo Descent Labs. Your mission? To discover what happened to the Terra Scooper bore-drill and its crew when it mysteriously vanished thirty years ago." This alone doesn't seem that...
My head canon has always been how every peice of MCYT are part of 1 big canon timeline, I want to talk about my placement for MCC on this I put MC Championships at the very end of the canon timeline, the lore being that gods (noxcrew) approached scott out of boredom, and asked to run an event where people from history would be pulled out and compete in an event. In exchange for his knowledge of history and selecting the participants scot obtained immortality. People in MCC know and talk about past events in other SMP's but rarely talk about MCC in canon of their lore. Meanwhile for say MCM it is directly mentioned in the DSMP as an event so likely took place as an actual evet. Furthermore MCC has a large mix of people that can really...
I decided to speed-draw a simple fanart for the MCC24 Yellow Yaks, - Dream, George, Bad, Skeppy All wearing matching duck hats this is my first ever fanart I have made Team - Dodgeboltable + I'm very excited for the return of Skeppy, may he get his 14th placement individual. In a style of all stars fanart by miezew_
Gogy moment. wha- okay the video didn't send- Okay thereee we go.
Dream Ink Drawings Here's two pen sketches/drawings of Dream, used a 0.5 pencil for sketch and 02 & 003 pens for lines (0.3 mm and 0.15 mm thick) #1 pose reference #2 + a bonus bat 'cause bats r cool no the second one is not missing the hand you didn't see anything
I like to think that Geo Descent Labs from Terra Swoop Force (and the two prequels) is behind MCC and MCC Island. Maybe canonically, it's similar to Portal, where Aperture is studying the participants. The machines keeping the MCC lobby afloat really add to this theory, because they seem very technical. On the timeline, this could take place as a prequel to TSF, or potentially, the lobby is currently afloat above the ice age apocalypse. Some games like Ace Race could even exist to test the capacity of the participant test suits. I mean, a level of Terra Swoop Force has even been one of the TGTTOSAWAF rounds! This theory works kind of similarly to the Pixar Theory, where it might not be 100% true, but it's definitely more fun to...
Yah i'mabe Red Rabbit Faction and can't wait
Have some rushed fanart of our champions 👑 🧡
@Noxite r u creating an arg about GDL? If no plz create one PLZ:whistle:
Remember the maps noxcrew made?They were about the GDL. I guess there will be a GDL Easter egg in MCCI &it’s probably Alan talking about GDL stuff
This is a cool video that I found about how to prepare for MCC Island's Sky Battle, and since the videos tag on the MCC Island forums is awfully silent, I decided to post it here!
Blue Bats Already decided the faction I'm gonna join, blue bats FTW (i like blue and i also like bats this was an easy decision to make) original sketch here!
I Made a Technoblade Poster in Minecraft I tried creating a texture pack that would change one of the paintings in Minecraft to a custom poster of Technoblade, with the help of this reddit post and my dad I managed to do it :) Here's the full image: size: 16x32 pixels